To qualify for a GDYT summer work experience you must:
- Live in the City of Detroit
- Be between the ages of 14-24
- Be eligible to work in the United States
You can apply if you are currently 13 years old and will turn 14 years old by July 1st. You may not apply if you will not be 14 years old by July 1st.
Selection is based on a random (Lottery) system. There may also be some GDYT opportunities available based on some of the following criteria: disabilities; barriers, such as homelessness, foster care, etc.; enrollment in partnering agency programs, etc.
No. You may apply for GDYT no matter the size of your household income.
It is required for all GDYT participants to have the following documentation:
- Proof of Age
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of Social Security Number
- Proof of Eligibility to work in the US
- Government or School issued picture ID
- Work Permit (ages 14-17)
- Required program forms
These documents can include but are not limited to: birth certificate, social security card, state ID/driver’s license, passport, business mail, official school records, etc.
The GDYT work experience typically begins in early July and goes through August. Youth are permitted to work up to 120 hours for the summer, which usually is spread over a 6-week experience. Please note that employers and program providers make the final decision regarding work schedules.
GDYT participants that earn stipends instead of wages must meet program benchmarks instead of working a set number of hours.
The GDYT program has a vast range of placement possibilities. Youth will be placed based on their qualifications and program needs. GDYT has traditionally offered jobs in fields such as clerical, hospitality, greening and beautification, senior citizen support, summer camps, custodial, food service, healthcare and in government and nonprofit agencies. Youth may receive jobs in private or for‐profit companies in a variety of industries. Youth may also work on community service or service learning projects.
Youth selected for the GDYT Industry Led Training will receive a paid training experience in a high growth/high-demand sector.
Youth selected for the GDYT Career Pathways Internship will interview with employers for private sector job placements.
GDYT attempts to match youth with job preference and considers where you live. However, there is no guarantee of where you will be assigned. If you are 14-15 years old, you will likely be placed in the Junior Police or Fire Cadet program.
No. If you have worked for GDYT in a previous year you must apply again. There is NO automatic enrollment based on previous participation.
If you are a GDYT participant, you may ride the DDOT (City of Detroit) buses for free during the summer program if you have a current GDYT program shirt and current GDYT photo ID. Please note that no other combination may be used for free ride access. Also, it’s always a good idea to have back up bus fare just in case you encounter an issue. The GDYT shirt and photo ID combination does not allow free access to SMART buses or any customized transportation services.
GDYT participants will be paid bi-weekly (once every 2 weeks) as follows:
Wage based participants: between $12.50 to $15 per hour.
Stipend based participants: GDYT participants that earn stipends instead of wages must meet program benchmarks instead of working a set number of hours. Participants can earn stipends between $1,500 and $2,000 depending on the summer experience and benchmarks achieved.
Paper paychecks are becoming out of date as employers are electronically depositing employee pay directly into bank accounts and onto payroll cards. The money you earn will be loaded onto your very own Grow Detroit’s Young Talent Payroll Card. However, if you choose, you may opt for direct deposit into your personal bank account.
You may choose to have GDYT deposit your wages or stipend into a personal bank account if you complete the direct deposit enrollment process.
The Career Pathways Internship (CPI) is a highly competitive GDYT opportunity. CPI participants must be at least 17 years old with a 2.5 GPA and previous work experience. CPI candidates will be selected from the GDYT application pool and must then interview and be selected by employers.
No. There are many more applicants than opportunities for youth in the GDYT program. Youth are only allowed to accept one employment position with GDYT to ensure that as many youth as possible have the opportunity to participate.
It may be possible to attend summer school and participate in GDYT, but there is no guarantee. You will need to work out your schedule with your Program Provider or employer.
An arrest or conviction does not automatically disqualify you from participating in the GDYT program. Some worksites may not be able to provide a summer work experience for you, but others may. Please be honest on your application about any arrests or convictions you may have had.
The GDYT program does not drug test those who apply, however some worksites may require testing. If you feel you have a substance abuse problem, please let someone on our team know or contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 1-800- 662-HELP (4357). SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day- a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. Locally, you may also contact Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) at 1-800-241-4949 for assistance.
Applying for the GDYT program does not guarantee you will be selected. Please do not be discouraged if you do not secure a GDYT opportunity this summer. There are many other opportunities to learn, play, and stay engaged this summer. For learning and enrichment program opportunities, please click the “Resources” button on the Youth page of the GDYT website.