A Program Provider is a school, community based, faith based or youth-serving organization with programmatic capacity and youth-development experience. Program Providers deliver summer employment services through a non-financial agreement with Connect Detroit, the GDYT Summer Youth Employment Coordinator.
Interested organizations must submit a proposal to Connect Detroit through the Request For Proposals (RFP) process. Proposals for 2025 are due December 6, 2024. For more information email Connect Detroit at [email protected]
Yes. Program Providers selected by Connect Detroit for GDYT are able to select the youth they would like to work with for the summer.
Youth will complete a web-based, on-line application found at www.GDYT.org.
Selected providers will be allocated a number of youth slots to fill with eligible youth and contracted to provide these youth with training and high quality work experiences. Youth slot allocations to Program Providers by Connect Detroit are based on available funding and typically range between 5 and 50 slots.
No. All participating youth will be paid by Connect Detroit through the Grow Detroit’s Young Talent program. Program Providers will be responsible for approving youth hours in the online payroll system and submitting each youth’s timesheets or stipend requests to Connect Detroit.
Youth must not exceed 120 hours per program year. Youth typically work for 20 hours per week for six weeks, but are allowed to work no more than 40 hours per week, 8 hours per day.
GDYT participants that earn stipends instead of wages must meet program benchmarks instead of working a set number of hours. Participants can earn stipends between $1,200 and $2,000 depending on the summer experience and benchmarks achieved.
Yes. Work experiences can take place within the Program Provider’s organization or at worksite placements outside the agency. A premium will be placed on organizations that match youth with experiences tied to their interests and develop work based learning experiences.
No. Connect Detroit will not provide funding to selected providers. The GDYT program supports the youth wages only. Selected Program Providers will be responsible for covering any administrative and operational costs associated with their programs.
A GDYT Lead Agency is a high-performing, youth-serving organization that provides quality training and work experiences for 150 – 250 youth participants and work closely with Connect Detroit to ensure an overall successful program. Lead Agencies receive a paid contract for providing GDYT services.
Organizations interested in serving as a 2025 GDYT Lead Agency must submit a proposal through the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. Proposals for 2025 consideration are due December 6, 2024. Email [email protected] for more information.